DayFR Euro

what will change on October 1, 2024 for 6.6 million beneficiaries

And second good news, there will be no need to do anything: in fact, this revaluation will be automatically applied to beneficiaries, whether they benefit from it through the family allowance fund (CAF) or through mutuality. agricultural social security (MSA).

Rent benchmark index

This revaluation occurs every year, on the same date, 1is October and is indexed to the Rent Reference Index (IRL), for the second quarter of 2024. This index, developed by INSEE, is what makes it possible to evaluate the annual revision of the rent of accommodation. It is determined based on everyday prices and is therefore sensitive to inflation.

The IRL for the second quarter of 2024, published on July 12, having increased by 3.26% over one year, the APLs are therefore revalued accordingly. Please note, however, that this 3.26% is an average: the level of revaluation will be calculated individually for each beneficiary, taking into account several criteria, such as their city of residence, their family situation and their household resources.


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