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Swiss Space Systems (S3) founder Pascal Jaussi is being sent to trial

Published on September 24, 2024 at 10:00. / Modified on September 24, 2024 at 20:40.

This is the story of a crazy race, in which notables, politicians and the media were drawn, fascinated by the start-up that wanted to “democratize space” through microsatellites and weightless flights. Through a press release issued on September 24, the Fribourg Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that the epilogue of the Swiss Space Systems (S3) saga will take place before the Criminal Court of the Broye district, where Pascal Jaussi was sent for trial. Founder and CEO of the start-up created in 2012 in Payerne (VD), the man is accused in particular of misleading the justice system, fraud and unfair management.

The investigation will have lasted eight years, as the case is voluminous and complex. Deputy Attorney General Raphaël Bourquin specifies that several dozen people in total worked on this file, which fills some 75 federal files and required mutual legal assistance from eight countries. The trial is expected to take place in 2025.

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