DayFR Euro

It’s not too late to ask

The energy check has helped millions of households combine business with pleasure. If you haven’t received it, it’s not too late.

For several years, the energy check has provided financial assistance to low-income households, allowing them to devote their resources to other essential needs. If you have not received it, know that you can still claim it.

The energy check: several possible uses

The energy check covers several needs such as food, education, health or housingThis government initiative combats poverty by directly supporting the energy costs of low-income households.

This thus contributes to ensuring a decent standard of living. Eligibility criteria depend on the composition of the household and the reference tax income, with amounts varying according to the number of consumption units and annual income.

Unlike other social assistance, no steps are required to receive the energy check. The tax administration automatically determines the beneficiaries and sends the check by mail to the families concerned.

At the beginning of the year, discussions considered an increase in the amount of this aid, supported by associations such as the Abbé Pierre Foundation. The CLVC association and the CFDT.

The energy check can therefore be used to pay energy bills, finance renovation works energy. Or even cover the heating costs included in the fee.

It is therefore mandatory to respect the deadline for use, set for March 31 each year. This year, energy checks were sent out gradually from April 2 depending on the departments.

Help requested by the French

Generally, no action is required to receive it, since it is automatically allocated to the lowest-income households. However, some households may not have received it despite their eligibility.

In this case, it is therefore recommended to check the expected sending date. in your departmentThe first checks were sent out on April 2, and the last ones were scheduled for April 22-25.

If you are one of the last recipients, watch your mailboxThe administration has also set up a simulator to check your eligibility, based on the 2022 situation.

Even if the result is negative, your current circumstances could make you eligible. For up-to-date information, you can contact the toll-free number or send an e-mail.

Moreover, this year, the identification of new beneficiaries has therefore been more complex due to the abolition of the housing tax. Previously, it was intended to be used with the reference tax income to determine eligibility.

To be eligible for the energy check, the household’s reference tax income must not exceed 11,000 euros per unit of consumption. The value of the check varies between 48 and 277 euros, and it is indivisible and non-refundable.

It’s not too late to claim the energy check

Last spring, about a million eligible households did not receive their energy checks due to an administrative problem. In response, the government set up a complaint desk.

This counter, accessible since July 4, allows these households to submit their application. For those who have not yet completed the process, it is intended to be possible to do so until December.

How to claim your 2024 energy check? The counter allows anyone who has not received their check to make a request, and those who have already received it to request a reassessment of the amount based on their declaration 2022 income.

To do this, simply go to the website and select the tab “Apply for a 2024 energy check”. Then, click on “Start the process” and follow the five steps of the process.

In the first step, you will be asked to provide information personal such as your tax number. But also your name, first name and date of birth.

In addition to the information entered, you will need to attach a valid ID document and an energy bill in your name to validate your request. Finally, don’t forget that the 2024 energy check is valid until March 31, 2025.


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