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The Suée farm in Notre-Dame-du-Rocher opens its doors on Wednesday, September 25

The Suée farm, in Notre-Dame-du-Rocher, in Orne, opens its doors on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. From 3 p.m., Yoann Noël, organic market gardener from Autour du potager and Lionèle Germain, president of the Association for the maintenance of peasant agriculture (Amap) of Biocage, will welcome visitors.

Read also: Around the vegetable garden it’s organic and direct sales

The Suée farm

The Suée farm consists of 36 ha, on which twenty suckler cows are raised. At the same time, I grow cereals for the herd and for sale. My market gardening area covers 2 ha and the Single-person Limited Liability Company (EURL) offers direct sales of vegetables at the farm and to any other organization that wishes (Biocoop, canteen, etc.) explains Yoann Noël. From a 250 m² tunnel at the start, he now has 1900 m² of tunnels. Started in 2008, the EURL Autour du potager was in agrobiological conversion from 2008 to 2010; Yoann was able to hire seasonal workers from 2016. His…


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