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The battle for ‘real’ 5G heats up

Stung by Free’s announcement of the launch of its “real” 5G (5G SA or 5G+), is keen to make it known that it is not only the leader in 5G, but that 5G+ is also its preferred field. Tested during the Olympics, the faster network will soon be available at home.

Free donned his favorite troublemaker hat this week, activating 5G SA (standalone access), aka 5G+, on its network. This is mainly an announcement effect: the operator is dead last in terms of the number of 5G antennas on the 3.5 GHz frequency, which is precisely the one that allows you to benefit from this faster and more reliable 5G.

Read Free launches its real 5G everywhere in : what does it change?

Orange was quick to react to the news. The historic operator first recalled that it used 5G SA during the Olympic Games. A technology that ” at the heart of this global event ” and which allowed the media present and the broadcasters to benefit from significant upload speeds, with “ultra low” latency times in order to send the images in near real time.

Orange also announced the launch on October 10 of a 5G+ Home box, which will allow you to take advantage of the capabilities of 5G SA at home, whether to watch TV, play online, or simply surf. Just to remind you who has the largest network, the operator indicates that it has the largest number of 3.5 GHz antennas (10,401 operational sites, compared to 6,947 at Free). Business customers can already test 5G+.

5G SA offers very low latency, often less than 10 ms; it also allows for higher data rates than 5G NSA (non-standalone) and increases network capacity (more devices can connect to it simultaneously). In addition, 5G SA consumes less power.

Read Real 5G is coming in 2024, what will it change?

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