DayFR Euro

SNCB taken to court: its new rates deemed “discriminatory”

The consumer protection organisation Testachats and the interfederal centre for equal opportunities Unia announced on Friday their decision to take legal action against SNCB in order to adapt its pricing policy deemed “discriminatory”, they announced in a press release on Friday. The two organisations denounce the price differences between tickets purchased digitally and those sold via ticket offices or vending machines.

Testachats and Unia point out in particular differences of a few euros between the purchase of transport tickets via the SNCB application and the purchase at the physical ticket office. The provision of a Flex-type subscription (for two to three journeys per week on the same line) offered only via the railway company’s application is also called into question.

The two organisations had already issued an ultimatum to SNCB in mid-July, demanding a change in its pricing policy. They have finally decided to carry out their threat and will soon launch legal action before the Brussels Court of First Instance.

“We cannot accept that some people who cannot or do not wish to follow the digital train should be penalised, particularly for essential services, such as transport, and by public companies,” commented Julie Frère, spokesperson for Testachats.

SNCB, for its part, believes that the possibility of offering a differentiated offer between digital and the counter “is a widespread practice that is not prohibited by any legislation”. “SNCB’s desire to encourage the use of digital sales channels is a legitimate objective both in terms of its public service contract and the general principles of public service”commented Vincent Bayer, spokesman for the railway company.

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