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Incident in a cemetery in Philippeville: deceased without a vault

This sad mishap unfortunately did not happen just once, but twice this summer. The Alderman for Works, Laetitia Brognez, puts the situation into context.Previously, it was the technical service that dug the pit and a private company that laid the vault.“For a year now, a test phase has been carried out and a private company is taking care of everything.

During the last Philippeville municipal council meeting, the college proposed to relaunch the annual market given “that this new way of proceeding proves conclusive“. It was enough for councillor Vanessa Tassin to step up to the plate: “You talk about a hiccup, but it is simply inconceivable.. A few days ago, a person was to be buried in the Romedenne cemetery, and the company was indeed notified three days before the desired date for the burial. However, when the family arrived at this cemetery, nothing was ready: the company responsible for this preparation was simply on vacation!”

There is currently no provision for such a case, no emergency solution. One can easily imagine the distress of the family in such a situation.

This very sad and incredible mishap had already happened in Villers-le-Gambon.

For PS councillor/Phil Citoyen, the Commune must take responsibility for what happened. However, the new call for tenders does not provide any guarantee that such a situation will never happen again, she observed.

The explanations of the Alderman for Works did not convince her. She will therefore vote against this point.


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