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Bernard Arnault imposes his media “blacklist” on LVMH executives


Email from Bernard Arnault


At LVMH” data-trigger=”focus hover” data-placement=”top” data-template=”” data-html=”true” title=”LVMH”>LVMHit’s simple, there is on one side “the mainstream media“and on the other”the so-called confidential letters“There are those who bring”“honest and reliable information” and those which rely on “internal sources outside the communication channels set up in our companies.“The media that can be contacted, accompanied by the communication services, and those to which it is”absolutely forbidden“to speak under penalty of dismissal for serious misconduct. CEO Bernard Arnault” data-trigger=”focus hover” data-placement=”top” data-template=”” data-html=”true” title=”Bernard Arnault”>Bernard Arnaulthimself, wrote a note on this subject at the beginning of the year.

Sent to its entire executive committee, this email dated January 17, entitled “recommendations” designates seven media considered as “so-called investigative sites that use the public’s attraction to luxury to attract new readers in a racy manner“. He draws up a black list, the nominees of which are: La Lettre, Glitz (also published by Indigo Publications), Miss Tweed, l’Informé, Puck (US), Mediapart and Le Canard enchaîné (click here to view the document). All these publications, with the exception of Miss Tweed And Puckhave in common having chosen a business model without advertising support from major advertisers, nor organization of events. And this independence necessarily deprives the management of the luxury group of potential means of pressure.

Silence or dismissal

A positioning which clearly displeases the owner of the Echoesof Parisianof Paris Match or even Radio Classique” data-trigger=”focus hover” data-placement=”top” data-template=”” data-html=”true” title=”Radio Classique”>Classic Radio. “We cannot accept that the efforts we are making to establish the reputation and image of our houses and our group are being called into question by those who, from within, through calculation or personal strategy, are feeding these publications.”Bernard Arnault explains again, before moving on to threats.

“I formally condemn any behavior that involves maintaining relations with unscrupulous journalists”he warns.We are a family group and I remind everyone of the strict prohibition on communicating information or comments about the family. I will therefore be inflexible in the face of any breach of these rules which would mark for me an intolerable lack of loyalty.“, he said.

The members of the executive committee are then invited to transmit the message to the main managers of each division of the group, who are responsible for indicating to them that “Any failure to comply with these recommendations (and this will inevitably be known) will be considered a serious fault, with the consequences attached to it.“A tone that is at the very least dissuasive, very different from that used by Bernard Arnault during the commission of inquiry into media concentration in January 2022. During his hearing, the CEO presented himself as a kind benefactor and “patron” disinterested in the press.

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