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Aya Gold & Silver Announces Promising Drilling Results at Boumadine

Aya Gold & Silver, a company specializing in the extraction of precious metals, has announced a major expansion of the main zone of its Boumadine project, located in southeastern Morocco.

Thanks to an intensive drilling campaign, the main zone was extended to 5.4 km, a discovery which underlines the mining potential of this site, the company indicates.

Initial drilling results reveal high silver, gold and zinc grades, which could reinforce the strategic importance of the Boumadine project for the company’s growth.

In detail, the results show high quality intersections with significant silver grades on certain portions, levels considered very promising for future exploitation by the company.

Aya Gold & Silver focuses on large-scale exploration, increasing available reserves and opening up new development prospects for years to come.

The Boumadine project is considered one of the company’s flagship assets in Morocco, and its potential is still far from being fully exploited.


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