Mocked for his speech, MP Sébastien Delogu says he is “victim of harassment from the extreme right”
DayFR Euro

Mocked for his speech, MP Sébastien Delogu says he is “victim of harassment from the extreme right”

Since Monday September 9, MP Sébastien Delogu has been the target of mockery due to a video in which we see him stumble over a few words during a reading in the finance committee of the National Assembly.

Some elected officials from the National Rally and the Republicans relayed these images and participated in these mockeries through tweets relayed many times. The Marseille elected official has since received a wave of support.

Speaking to, his entourage confirmed on Wednesday, September 11, that the rebellious parliamentarian “is the victim of harassment from the extreme right and the fachosphere.”

“We see that it started after he waved the Palestinian flag in the Assembly, before that there were no waves of hate,” we are told.

On May 28, during the Questions to the Government of the previous legislature, the LFI MP for Bouches-du-Rhône unfurled a Palestinian flag in the chamber, which caused the session to be suspended. He was subsequently banned from the Palais Bourbon for 15 days.

“When he speaks in scum mode”…

In this video published on September 9 by La Chaîne parlementaire (LCP), Sébastien Delogu – since re-elected – stumbles while reading a question to Bruno Le Maire, during a hearing of the resigning minister. In another, parodic, the politician’s delivery was even excessively slowed down. It doesn’t take much more for the reaction machine to start up, particularly on X.

Amidst the mockery and humiliating remarks: that of Julien Odoul, RN MP for Yonne. “When he speaks in scum mode it’s more fluid. What a Delogution!!! (sic)”, jokes the parliamentarian, retweeted more than 8,000 times since.

The LR councilor of Paris, Aurélien Veron, himself joked about “The Second Chance School (which) is opening a branch in the National Assembly”.

“Sébastien Delogu is reviled for what he does and what he represents,” the MP’s entourage commented to

What he does: Gives visibility to the Palestinian cause, according to his close friends. What he is: “A man from working-class neighborhoods,” adds this source.

“Class hatred” and multiple supports

Since Tuesday, September 10, several politicians have given their support to the rebel.

“The class hatred against Sébastien Delogu is scandalous. Support and fraternity in the face of this arrogance of those who want to keep the people away from power to better preserve their interests,” LFI MP Matthias Tavel criticized on X.

The support was not limited to La France Insoumise and its allies. “I have no political sympathy (to put it mildly) for Sébastien Delogu,” writes in particular the socialist senator Laurence Rossignol“but this buzz about the lack of fluidity in its reading is unworthy of the values ​​of the Republic and the equality of citizens. Sitting in the National Assembly is not a privilege of the elites and the top of the class.”

“Sébastien Delogu keeps a cool head in the face of these waves of hatred. His destiny is much less important than the causes he defends,” his entourage concluded to



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