Teacher who hit 3-year-old girl suspended, education minister says
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Teacher who hit 3-year-old girl suspended, education minister says

VIOLENCE – The images of the 3-year-old girl, mistreated by her teacher, are difficult to watch. The events took place on September 3, the day after her first day of school, at the Frères-Voisins nursery school, in the 15th arrondissement. The parents filed a complaint and the Minister of Education condemned this violence.

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« These images are terribly shocking and unacceptable in our School. I have immediately requested the launch of a disciplinary procedure, with an immediate suspension of the professor. I extend my full support to the victim and her family, who are being taken care of ” posted on X (ex-Twitter) Nicole Belloubet.

The video in question was posted on social media on September 9 by the parents’ lawyer, Vanessa Edberg. According to The Parisianit was made by a mother of a student, present in the class during this scene of undeniable violence. We see the teacher hitting the screaming child, to the point that the little girl falls, then spraying an unidentified product on her face with a spray bottle.

« A teacher abuses a little girl in the first year of primary school and sprays a liquid on her head in a school in the 15th arrondissement of Paris. A complaint has been filed. As a lawyer I will fight this battle hand in hand with the family, as a mother my heart bleeds ” writes the lawyer.

The parents filed a complaint and the teacher, who was suspended, was replaced in her class, confirmed to the Parisian the rectorate of Paris. While waiting to know his sanction.

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