Bringing the deficit back to 3% in 2027 is “impossible” in the “current political situation”, judges Charles de Courson
DayFR Euro

Bringing the deficit back to 3% in 2027 is “impossible” in the “current political situation”, judges Charles de Courson

The general budget rapporteur doubts the existence of a majority ready to vote for a “fair and courageous” policy of restoring public finances.

He is the key man in the next budget. Centrist MP Charles de Courson, affiliated with the Liot group and general rapporteur of the budget, expressed his concerns this Tuesday morning on RMC. “A courageous and fair policy to restore public finances, I have doubts that there will be a majority to vote for it”he declared to Apolline de Malherbe. “I think that in the current political situation it is impossible to return to the 3% deficit, which is our commitment in 2027”he added, judging “the efforts are completely disproportionate in view of the composition of the National Assembly”.

The Marne MP has some ideas on the “savings on expenses” likely to appear in future text“Some of the beneficiaries of apprenticeship credits are young people who have a bac +4, bac +5, some say that apprenticeships should be concentrated on those who have more modest training, that seems rather fair to me.” He also raised the issue of “work stoppages”, subject to a waiting period of 3 days in the private sector and only one day in the public sector. “Should we equalize the two? We maintain the salary in the public sector at 100% in the event of sick leave, in the private sector at 90%, some say we should align the public sector with the private sector, but in the private sector, there are branch agreements which compensate, co-financed by employees and employers, which is not the case in the public sector”, he supported.

Also read“He who will tell me how I should vote has not yet been born”: centrist Charles de Courson, key man in the next budget

As for a possible increase in taxes, Charles de Courson recalled that France is one of the countries with the highest rate of compulsory levies in Europe, without however dismissing this possibility. “The problem is the political composition of the National Assembly”he stressed, referring to the deputies of the left alliance. “We should increase taxes, we cannot escape a mix but the dominant factor must be saving on expenditure”hammered the centrist deputy, before citing the idea of ​​a “taxation of share buybacks”one of the few measures to be taken «consensus» within the political class.


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