Satisfied with dialogue with Prime Minister, Larcher gives green light to LR ministers
DayFR Euro

Satisfied with dialogue with Prime Minister, Larcher gives green light to LR ministers

negotiations – To enter government, LR insists on purchasing power, public finances, immigration and security

Even if the list of ministers is still awaited, the political colour of the next executive is becoming clearer. The right will probably participate in Michel Barnier’s government because the Prime Minister has “made his own” his main proposals, estimates the president (LR) of the Senate Gérard Larcher in an interview with Figaro published Monday evening.

“I believe that we will be able to participate in the government,” declared the president of the upper house. “This seems logical to me because the dialogue that we have established with Michel Barnier is fluid and I have no doubt that he can provide us with the necessary guarantees. I have confidence in him,” he added.

Barnier member of LR

Last Friday, the leaders of the LR deputies and senators, Laurent Wauquiez and Bruno Retailleau, had indicated that the right would make its decision on participation in the government based on Michel Barnier’s program on purchasing power, public finances, immigration and security. They had left this uncertainty hanging even though Michel Barnier also belongs to LR.

By setting its “conditions”, through proposals formulated in July, the right “insisted on two points”, recalls Gérard Larcher: “no tax increases and no repeal of the pension reform (…) - 20minutes

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