Charge regularizations reach peaks in this city
DayFR Euro

Charge regularizations reach peaks in this city

Residents of the Hautes-Alpes Public Housing Office (OPH05) gathered in front of the Gap prefecture on Saturday, September 7, to voice their anger. The social landlord has in fact drastically increased its charges, which “results in sums sometimes exceeding 1,000 euros, particularly for T4 housing,” specifies BFM TV. Accompanied by the Hautes-Alpes National Housing Confederation (CNL 05), they are demanding the cancellation of charge regulations, a rent freeze and a 10% increase in APL.

Tenants and the CNL point out in particular the dilapidated central heating systems, which are said to consume excessively in a large part of the rental stock. Some claim to still have “real toasters” dating from the construction of social housing in the 1980s. A representative of the National Housing Confederation assures that nothing has been done to improve the energy performance of buildings, even though the problem has long been reported.

“Some tenants say they are forced to open their windows because the heating is too high,” reports BFM TV, knowing that they do not have an individual thermostat, and that “the temperature often exceeds 26 degrees” in the middle of winter. “Some energy bills have increased by 200 to 300%,” assures the CNL 05, which demands “transparency” and wants “to have access to the invoices as well as to the contracts of the lessor, who does not listen to us (…)

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