A “total lack of empathy” from Dominique Pelicot, according to psychologists
DayFR Euro

A “total lack of empathy” from Dominique Pelicot, according to psychologists

Perverted – Experts dissected the personality of Dominique Pelicot on Monday, a man consumed by “obsessive fantasies” close to necrophilia, during the Mazan rape trial.

A man consumed by “obsessive fantasies”, close to necrophilia, with “a total absence of empathy”… Experts dissected, on Monday, the personality of Dominique Pelicot, tried in Avignon (Vaucluse) for having orchestrated the rapes of his wife, for ten years.

The personality and sexual attractions of this septuagenarian were analyzed by two psychologists and two psychiatrists. The main accused, 71, was not there to listen, however. Arriving very weak in his box, he was excused by the court due to intestinal pain. But he should still speak on Tuesday afternoon, if “his state of health allows it”, specified the president of the court, Roger Arata.

Whether in his personality traits or his sexual attractions, Dominique Pelicot always presents a double face, the experts concluded. Like a “Dr Jekyll” and Mr Hyde, a reference mentioned Friday by a first psychologist. On the one hand, he is described as an “honorable husband, father and grandfather, esteemed friend. An undeniably loving and present father,” describes psychiatrist Paul Bensussan. But at the same time, the man is “very manipulative” and “lies a lot.”

« Dr Jekyll » et Mr Hyde

(…) - 20minutes

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