This Simple (But Scientific) Solution Can Reduce the Duration of a Cold by 2 Days
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This Simple (But Scientific) Solution Can Reduce the Duration of a Cold by 2 Days

It seems that summer is well and truly behind us (except perhaps for the lucky ones who live there, at the bottom right of the weather map!) and that conditions are becoming once again conducive to the circulation of viruses. The first colds will soon appear but, oh joy, oh happiness, scientists have found a very simple (and economical) solution to reduce their duration.

A proven recipe for children

Their recipe? Clean your nose with saline water, as soon as you sneeze and well before you let a cold set in. “This can reduce the duration of a cold by two days and even reduce the risk of transmitting viruses to the whole family,” explains Professor Steve Cunningham, from the University of Edinburgh (Scotland), who conducted a study on more than 400 children under the age of 6. Among this group of children, 300 caught a cold. For half of them, their parents learned how to prepare and apply salt water nasal drops and administered three drops per nostril at least four times a day until they recovered. The other half received the usual cold care, such as nasal sprays.

“We found that children using salt water nose drops had cold symptoms for an average of 6 days, while those receiving usual care had symptoms for 8 days,” explained Professor (…)

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