In cybersecurity, companies are struggling to recruit
DayFR Euro

In cybersecurity, companies are struggling to recruit

As France experiences an unprecedented wave of cyberattacks, there is a shortage of cybersecurity talent. Training has multiplied but does not always correspond to the needs of the positions to be filled. Cybersecurity professions must strengthen their attractiveness.

With 141 “cybersecurity events” linked to the Olympic Games, according to Anssi, France had the greatest difficulty resisting cyberattacks during the summer. The arrest of Pavel Dourov, which seems to have relaunched a wave of attacks in France, has once again increased the risk level. The situation is all the more worrying since Anssi, the national agency for information systems security, deplores a cruel lack of cybersecurity talent. The Cybersecurity Workforce 2023 study is hardly more reassuring, noting that there is a shortage of 4 million specialists worldwide, including 350,000 in Europe. In France alone, the cyberdefense command (Comcyber) wants to recruit 1,000 additional cyberfighters by 2030 and is increasing awareness campaigns among young people to achieve this.

Large accounts, which can offer substantial salaries, do not have the same difficulties, unlike SMEs which are under pressure and have great difficulty finding skills at the salaries they offer. However, training courses have multiplied in recent years. Sensing a good opportunity, schools have been created and offer training courses of varying durations, up to a 5-year master’s degree. At the same time, software publishers such as Microsoft offer learning modules that allow you to acquire a cyber certification in a few months. Despite everything, training courses sometimes have difficulty finding an echo among companies.

Read alsoHow France is trying to recruit its cyber fighters in high schools

Mix of diverse skills

« It’s not that surprisinganalyse Pascal Le Digol, de WatchGuard, an SME cannot afford a Bac + 5 specialized in cybersecurity. It needs more of a system manager with cyber skills. Schools must adapt to demand and conduct market studies. The profiles sought by SMEs are ass[…]


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