François Hollande will vote for the motion of censure against Michel Barnier
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François Hollande will vote for the motion of censure against Michel Barnier

Former Socialist President François Hollande announced on Monday that he would vote for censure against Michel Barnier (LR) in the National Assembly to bring down his government “supported by the extreme right”.

“How can we accept that the French people who wanted to push aside the extreme right, who wanted there to be change […]”How do you expect us to give our consent?” assured the now socialist MP on France Inter.

Also read “My father, Michel Barnier”

He also said that the socialists would not participate in the Barnier government currently being formed.

Also read Michel Barnier: 50 years of political life in pictures

“A right-wing government”

“Beyond the person of Michel Barnier, when it is a government that is going to be right-wing with a right-wing policy and which is going to be a government supported by the extreme right […]”How do you expect socialists or left-wing women or men to participate in such a team?” he explained.

© Agence France-Presse

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