Donald Trump upset at losing Vladimir Putin’s support in 2024 US presidential election
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Donald Trump upset at losing Vladimir Putin’s support in 2024 US presidential election

UNITED STATES – While he has been full of praise for the Russian president throughout his term and his new campaign for the White House, it is a cold shower for Donald Trump. Vladimir Putin has announced, not without humor, that he supports Kamala Harris for the American presidential election in November 2024. And this surprising announcement did not please the Republican candidate, who said “annoyed”as you can see in our video above.

For the American presidential election, Vladimir Putin announces his support for Kamala Harris

On September 5, at an economic forum in Vladivostok, Russia, Vladimir Putin said: ” I’ve said it before, the favorite, if I may say so, was the incumbent President, Mr. Biden. He withdrew from the race, but he urged all his supporters to support Ms. Harris, so we will do the same, we will support her.”

The Russian president joked about the “laughter so expressive and contagious” of the current American Vice President, who according to him “shows that she’s doing well.” “Trump has imposed more restrictions and sanctions on Russia than any president has done before. And if Ms. Harris is doing well, maybe she’ll refrain from doing something like that.”he added.

This surprise endorsement was not welcome for Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said: ” We would greatly appreciate it if Vladimir Putin would, small a: stop talking about our election, and, small b: stop interfering in it. ».

Donald Trump did not appreciate Putin’s tackle

Two days later, Saturday, September 7, at a rally in Mosinee in the disputed state of Wisconsin, Donald Trump responded to Vladimir Putin’s comments. “Russia would never have happened if I were president. The attack on Ukraine would never have happened”he said to the applause of his supporters, before adding: “I knew Putin. I knew him well. I don’t know if you saw the other day, he supported Kamala. It really upset me.”

The former US president and candidate for a new term questioned the reasons for Putin’s support for Kamala Harris. “He’s a real chess player. Did he say that with a smile? I think he might have said that with a smile.”Trump assumed, “But nobody knows what that means. They’re 19 steps ahead of us.”

Speaking of himself in the third person, Donald Trump hammered home that “No one has been tougher on Russia than Trump in all of history”. Russia is also being accused by Washington of meddling in the upcoming US election. Moscow has rejected these accusations. In 2016, Russian influence operations on social networks aimed to discredit Hillary Clinton, in the face of Donald Trump, according to US intelligence.

For the 2024 election, U.S. officials have not specified which side would benefit from the alleged Russian interference. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said that according to intelligence analysis, ” Russia’s preferences had not changed since the last election.” Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will face off in a televised debate on Tuesday, September 10. It’s a safe bet that the topic of Russia will be brought up.

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