Paris, Toulouse, Bordeaux… Which are the most popular cities for moving?
DayFR Euro

Paris, Toulouse, Bordeaux… Which are the most popular cities for moving?

As every year, many French people choose to move to the Paris region. Toulouse, Bordeaux, Lille and Lyon are also popular destinations, according to internal data from the company Drivalia. The reasons for moving also change over time.

Change of address and change of life. Every year, around 10% of French people move. At the top of the cities where they choose to settle is Paris, followed by Toulouse and Bordeaux, according to internal data from the utility vehicle rental company Drivalia.

The cities of Lyon (4th), Lille (5th), Montpellier (6th), Marseille (7th), Rennes (8th), Nantes (9th) and Aix-en-Provence (10th) continue the ranking. Le Mans, La Rochelle and Annecy also rank in the top 20 most requested destinations (based on a sample of 10,000 quotes made between June 1 and August 21 by the company).

While many French people choose to settle in Paris, a certain number also leave the Île-de-France. Those who flee the capital mainly choose the Atlantic coast (between La Rochelle and Bayonne), and the PACA region, in equal proportion: 16%.

The Grand-Ouest comes in 3rd position, with Brittany and Pays de la Loire as the main destinations for 11% of Parisians. The city of Bordeaux alone accounts for 8% of moves from Paris, followed by Lyon and Toulouse (7% each).

Taking into account climate change and natural disasters

Another study, published at the beginning of the summer by Déménageurs bretons (one of the biggest players in the sector), reveals that the reasons for moving have changed. In 2021, moves were driven by interest rates at 1%, the disgust of big cities after the lockdown and the generalization of teleworking. Since then, inflation and the return of rising rates have come into play in the choice to change accommodation.

Another lesson: destinations are also changing, with the exception of Île-de-France, which systematically concentrates the most requests. Thus, if Brittany was just behind the Paris region in 2022, it is no longer at the top of the ranking. According to the Déménageurs bretons, it is now distanced by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Grand-Est regions.

The real novelty is finally the consideration of natural disasters linked to climate change. This is a motivation for 6% of French people who move and even 13% of parents. This issue only concerned about 2% of them before 2022. From now on, the climate crisis is therefore part of the arbitration elements.

Marine Cardot and Marie Coeurderoy


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