Why the Phryge’s wild success will (unfortunately) end after the Games
DayFR Euro

Why the Phryge’s wild success will (unfortunately) end after the Games

mascot – The production of Phryge, the famous mascot of the Paris 2024 Games, will continue beyond the competition. But if the success was there during the competitions, it is unlikely to last forever

In the euphoria of these Olympic summer months, we began to hope that Phryge, the star of the Paris 2024 Games, would survive them. That carried away by the crowd and popular success – 1.4 million products sold – the mascot would become timeless. A new avatar of sporting France, present at every football/basketball/rugby match for years to come. This dream is shared by the president of the Doudou et Compagnie group, Alain Joly, who announced on Wednesday his intention to continue producing the mascot beyond the Olympic Games.

However, we’re going to have to get used to it: the Phryges are set to disappear from our lives, probably as quickly as they appeared. Sandrine Doppler, a marketing consultant, doesn’t hesitate to break our little hearts: “They’ll be on clearance in a few weeks,” she predicts. And for good reason: “Do you remember a single mascot from the previous Olympics?” While Michka the bear from the 1980 Moscow Olympics or Cobi from Barcelona 1992 had their little summer success, neither lasted more than a few months before falling into total oblivion. The only counter-example that comes to mind doesn’t come from the Olympics, but from football: Footix, the (…) - 20minutes

Also read:
JO 2024: Why the visual identity of Paris 2024 could revolutionize the history of the Games?
2024 Paralympic Games: Phryge vs Serge Le Lapin, the craziest encounter of the 21st century
Future Prime Minister: These Internet users who want Phryge at Matignon
2024 Olympics: “Clitorito” is the name given by Brazil to our now famous mascot Phryge


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