less disturbed, but showers are frequent
DayFR Euro

less disturbed, but showers are frequent

This Monday, September 9, the depression that caused the unsettled weather over the weekend is moving away towards Belgium. There are fewer storms, but rain and showers remain frequent.

Highlights of the day

– return of rainy east to the north of the Seine

– improvement in the Mediterranean where the mistral and tramontane winds are rising

– the freshness is everywhere, it is especially noticeable in the afternoon


From the southwest to the eastern borders, the weather is unstable with showers. North of the Seine, a return of occlusion linked to the Belgian depression causes thunderstorms, sometimes heavy, over Hauts-de-France, Champagne, the Ardennes and Lorraine. From Brittany to Anjou, Touraine and Limousin, the sky is changeable. In the southeast, the weather improves with the return of large clearings, except in Corsica where the last storms break out.

The minimum temperatures are 14 to 18°C ​​from Brittany to Provence up to 20°C in Corsica and the Côte d’Azur.


The rains extend to all regions north of the Seine, from Normandy to the Paris basin as far as Franche-Comté and are occasionally heavy towards the Belgian and German borders. In the west, the showers give way to clearings along the Atlantic coast in the afternoon. Near the Mediterranean, the sun shines at the cost of a strong tramontane and a mistral reaching 90 km/h in gusts. In the rest of the country, the weather is unstable with showers.

The maximum temperatures range from 17°C in Brittany, 18°C ​​in Lille and Metz, 19°C in the Paris region, around 20°C in Lyon and the Midi-Toulouse region up to 25°C near the Mediterranean.


Rains persist north of the Seine to the north of Rhône-Alpes. Showers are frequent in the central regions. In the west, the weather is calmer. In the southeast, the sky is clear under a very noticeable wind. A clear cooling sets in due to the wind direction to the northwest.

Weather Trend: What You Need to Know

From Tuesday to Friday, the first breath of fresh air at the end of summer is expected in an unstable atmosphere with showers, rain and the arrival of snow in the mountains from 1800 meters.

- La Chaîne Météo


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