“Fear”, “disgust”… Sister Véronique Margron expresses her “anger”
DayFR Euro

“Fear”, “disgust”… Sister Véronique Margron expresses her “anger”

Sexual violence – The president of the Conference of Religious Men and Women of France believes in “Le Parisien” that “there are necessarily dozens of people who saw”

“Fright”, “anger”, “disgust”… Véronique Margron is in shock after the revelation on Friday of 17 new testimonies accusing Abbé Pierre of sexual violence allegedly committed between the 1950s and the 2000s. The president of the Conference of Religious Men and Women of France (Corref) therefore pleaded on Saturday in The Parisian for a repair instance.

“We will have to establish a process of justice, recognition and reparation, as we did after the report of the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church (CIASE),” she said.

The Church must stop “certain irresponsible behaviors”

Asked about the silence of those around him regarding these actions, Véronique Margron felt that Abbé Pierre “could not hide, there are necessarily dozens of people who saw” and “did not say anything”. “If the institutions had worked, there would not have been so many victims”, she added, believing that “we should not suspect a priori, but let us stop certain irresponsible behaviors, particularly in the Church, which consist of magnifying people, while saying to ourselves: “Let’s hope we don’t learn anything…”

From (…) - 20minutes

Also read:
Abbé Pierre accused of sexual assault: A dozen new reports against the priest
Abbé Pierre accused of sexual assault: Bishops deny having “wanted to hush up” the affair
Abbé Pierre accused of sexual assault: The cleric admitted to having “given in to the force of desire”


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