Sister Véronique Margron requests “an instance of reparation”
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Sister Véronique Margron requests “an instance of reparation”

AAfter the announcement of 17 new accusations of sexual abuse by Abbé Pierre, Sister Véronique Margron, who had collected the very first testimony, deplores the fact that no one close to the priest alerted the authorities, in an interview given to Parisian this Saturday.

She describes this affair as a tragedy, and says she feels “nothing but horror, bottomless sorrow, anger and disgust. But by dint of hearing victims, reading their stories, we can only fear that there will always be other victims,” ​​believes the person who chairs the Conference of Religious Men and Women of France, the Corref, which commissioned the Sauvé report, which lists sexual abuse in the Church.

READ ALSO Emmaüs: after the scandal surrounding Abbé Pierre, a power struggle?

According to Véronique Margron, Abbé Pierre was a “serial predator” comparable to Jean Vannier or the Philippe brothers, religious leaders who allegedly sexually abused dozens of people. The churchwoman wonders: “how could such a public man have been able to act without being worried for more than fifty years? It was necessarily in full view of many people.” She assures us: “no one stopped anything. I think his “aura” multiplied the laissez-faire attitude […] There are definitely dozens of people who saw it. And said nothing.”

A reparation body to establish a “justice process”

Véronique Margron requests an instance of compensation for […] Read more


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