How Teens Judge Social Media
DayFR Euro

How Teens Judge Social Media

SAccording to a study published last January by Statista, a global digital database, the social network Instagram remains the most popular among Generation Z, particularly 15-24 year-olds. Snapchat and TikTok, two very different applications but popular with young people born between 1995 and 2010, complete the podium. Interviewed by The Pointfive witnesses aged 15 to 24 explain why they love (or hate) these big social networks so much.

Instagram and lack of self-confidence

Every morning, on the bus that takes her to her high school near Lyon, Zoé, 16, oscillates between checking the “likes” and the “stories” of her friends and favorite celebrities on Instagram. “I check what I missed, because, during the week, I’m not allowed on my phone after 10 p.m., even on Thursday evenings,” Zoé sighs. Like many young people her age, the high school student posts few publications on the Meta group’s application: “It makes you feel a bit old to keep posted photos for a long time. It’s better to focus on “stories.”

READ ALSO 20 years of Facebook: how the social network changed our lives

For only twenty-four hours, unless the user decides to keep them on their profile, the “stories” popular with young people allow, like the Snapchat application, to reveal in photos or videos moments of daily life or even committed publications to their subscribers. For the high school student and her friends, it is easy to judge that […] Read more


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