Anne-Sophie Stefanini’s Ode to Africa
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Anne-Sophie Stefanini’s Ode to Africa

«UA woman has disappeared and everyone is looking for her.” Constance was 17 when she heard about this professor at the University of Yaoundé, a communist sympathizer, who was kidnapped one night in 1991. “It was the time of the dead cities. The country was in the streets to demand freedoms, elections and real independence.” Constance lands in Cameroon in the early 2000s and meets Jean-Martial. He takes her to the bar where the missing woman came to dance every night and tells her that she reminds him of this woman he watched from afar. Constance will return to Yaoundé every summer until Jean-Martial disappears in turn.

Twenty years have passed but Constance has not forgotten him. In the meantime, she has written a novel in which she imagined the life of the missing woman from Yaoundé, a novel for which she is invited to return to Cameroon. She informs Jean-Martial of this but her words remain a dead letter.

Solve the riddle

The ghosts are soon joined by new faces, such as Hemley, the confidante, and Terence, who encourages her to solve the enigma that haunts her. “We must tell the story of this woman’s end, not just her disappearance, but the truth: who kidnapped her, who killed her, where is her body? If you don’t do it, you are the guilty one. In this country, do you really believe that we can be satisfied with approximations, with a comfortable mystery?”

Sometimes a sentence is enough to inspire a novel. A woman has disappeared was born from one of those sentences that […] Read more


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