This is the burning question of this Friday, September 6, after the appointment of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister: who will make up his government? The right? The center? A bit of everything? A question shared by Olivier Faure, the first secretary of the Socialist Party.
Invited on France Inter, he assured that “no personality” from his camp “will enter his government”. He also estimated that the new head of government would rather deal with the extreme right, “on which he understood very well that his survival depended”.
Interviews with the right
According to information from BFMTV, the new Prime Minister is receiving this Friday the leader of the Macronist deputies, Gabriel Attal, as well as the executives of the Les Républicains party. He should soon meet the leaders of the Modem and Horizons.
The left may not be invited, with Manuel Bompard, the coordinator of La France Insoumise, specifying on BFMTV that no contact had been made with his party. For the time being, the socialist, ecologist and communist representatives making up the New Popular Front have not indicated that they have been asked to take part in the executive either.
According to our information, Marine Le Pen should not be asked to speak either.