Installing a connected thermostat: the complete guide

Installing a connected thermostat: the complete guide

With the increase in energy prices, the French are looking to better control their heating consumption. To limit their expenses while maintaining their comfort of life, many are equipping themselves with a connected thermostat. They can thus monitor the consumption of their home in real time, or even adjust the temperature remotely in order to adapt it to their pace of life. Cost, benefits, assistance… Here is everything you need to know before you start installing a smart thermostat.

Among the many actions aimed at optimizing the energy consumption of a home, installing a connected thermostat is one of the most common. This device, which can be installed yourself, allows you to adjust the temperature of your home in real time in order to reduce your heating consumption, and thus save up to 15% of energy.

What is a connected thermostat?

Usually fixed to a wall, the connected thermostat comes in the form of a small box. Its function is to regulate the heating temperature in a home from an application available on smartphone, tablet and computer. It is thus possible to monitor the consumption of a home in real time and to adjust the temperature remotely.

From January 1, 2027, the installation of a programmable thermostat will be mandatory, regardless of the nature of the building and its use. Homeowners and managers can anticipate this obligation by installing a smart thermostat without waiting for the deadline. It is in their best interest to do so, because this device has many advantages.

The main advantage of the heating thermostat is to be able to control its energy consumption by always adjusting the temperature as precisely as possible. Its connected version allows you to go even further, by allowing you to program the radiators according to the days of the week and the hours of the day. It is thus possible to program the thermostat to reduce the temperature at night, or during working hours, in order to reduce your heating consumption as much as possible. The control also allows you to choose different temperatures depending on the rooms in the home. In short, it allows you to reduce your energy bill without having to change the settings of your radiators every day.

How to benefit from the Coup de pouce aid for the connected thermostat?

A connected thermostat is sold between 60 and 250 euros according to Ademe. This amount depends mainly on the type of heating and the surface area of ​​the home. The cost of installation by a professional varies between 150 and 300 euros depending on the difficulty of the intervention. If this budget scares you, rest assured: it is now possible to obtain financial assistance for the installation of a connected thermostat.

Launched in 2024, the “thermostat plan” introduces a new bonus called “Coup de pouce pilotage connecté du chauffage pièce par pièce”, or simply “Coup de Pouce thermostat connecté”. It concerns all households wishing to equip themselves with a connected thermostat, provided that they meet three criteria:

  1. The heating system must be individual. Collective heating systems are therefore not concerned.
  2. The connected thermostat must be installed in the home between December 1, 2023 and December 31, 2024.
  3. The thermostat must be installed by a professional.

This Coup de pouce bonus is paid by companies that have signed the “Coup de pouce pilotage connecté du chauffage pièce par pièce” charter, as part of the energy savings certificates (CEE) system. This particularly concerns energy suppliers. As for its amount, it depends solely on the heated surface area of ​​the home. Indeed, the larger it is, the more expensive the work to be carried out is. To give you an idea, the bonus ranges from 260 euros for homes of less than 35m2 to 624 euros for those of more than 130m2. This therefore covers a good part of the installation costs, encouraging the French to equip themselves by December 31, 2024.

To ensure you receive the Coup de pouce bonus, you can call on an industry expert like Hellio. He will be able to guide you through the administrative procedures required to obtain it.

This content was created in partnership with Hellio. The editorial team of BFM IMMO did not participate in the creation of this content.

In partnership with Hellio


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