Every year in August, meteor showers occur. This is when shooting stars are most visible. Hundreds of meteors can be seen in the sky every hour. In reality, comets or asteroids regularly enter orbit around the Earth. They leave interplanetary dust in their wake. The size of grains of sand or a pebble, meteorites burn up and shine brightly as they enter the atmosphere.
Coming from space, a meteorite is a rock that fell to Earth. It is a fragment of a larger meteoroid that survived its passage through the atmosphere. When it has not crossed the Earth’s atmosphere, it is called an “asteroid” or “meteoroid”. Better known as a shooting star when it is weak, a meteor represents a luminous phenomenon. This term is often used to describe the luminous trail of a meteoroid as it enters the stratosphere. Meteoroids that cross the atmospheric layer create a shock wave in space. There are several types of meteorites, including chondrites. These are small mineral balls that do not exist on the surface of the Earth. They are composed of the oldest rocks in the solar system. According to their composition, they are divided into three groups:
As soon as a meteorite enters the Earth’s atmosphere at lightning speed, it heats up due to the friction of the air and begins to burn. (…)
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