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Intermarché and Netto recall liver pâté throughout France

Intermarché and Netto recall liver pâté throughout France

WARNING – As the presence of traces of milk in pâté and liver mousse sold at Netto and Intermarché is not indicated, people with allergies should not consume the product, which has been the subject of a recall since this Wednesday.

The Salaisons Celtiques company launched a recall on Wednesday of a liver pâté that it manufactures for Intermarché and Netto. Marketed under the name Pâté de foie Top Budget 300 g from July 25 by the first distributor and Mousse de foie supérieure Netto 200 g by the second since July 30, the product was sold by both brands throughout the country, indicates the Rappel Conso website.

End of recall on September 13

It should not be consumed because it presents a risk of allergy. Milk, an allergenic substance, is in fact present in the product in trace form without being indicated in the composition of the charcuterie. The alert applies to people allergic to dairy products, specifies the platform. The latter have until September 13, the date of the end of the recall procedure, to return their purchase to the store(…) - 20minutes

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