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Performance, savings, taxation… How and why to integrate cryptocurrency into your company’s treasury

AFP Videos – France

Mazan rapes: “the police saved my life”, says Gisèle P., the victim

“The police saved my life by investigating Mr. P.’s computer,” as she now calls her husband, Gisèle P. said on Thursday at the Mazan rape trial, abused for ten years by her husband and dozens of men recruited by him. “My world is falling apart, for me everything is falling apart, everything I’ve built in 50 years,” she testified before the Vaucluse criminal court in Avignon, recounting the moment when, on November 2, 2020, investigators showed her images of the sexual abuse orchestrated and filmed by her husband, who was pounding her with sleeping pills so that she wouldn’t notice anything. In the photo, “I’m inert, in my bed, and I’m being raped. These are scenes of barbarity. My world is falling apart, everything is falling apart, everything I’ve built in 50 years.” years. Frankly, these are horror scenes for me.” “They consider me a rag doll,” adds this 71-year-old woman, explaining that she waited until May 2022 to agree to watch the videos. Standing in the dock, Thursday morning, facing the court composed of five professional magistrates to judge 51 defendants, the father of her children, with whom she is in the process of divorcing, and 50 other men accused of raping her for ten years, from 2011 to 2020, Ms. P. recounts, precisely, without stumbling over the words. “And don’t talk to me about sex scenes, these are rape scenes, I have never practiced threesomes or swinging, I want to say that,” continues Gisèle P., indirectly responding to the questions put to the director of investigation on Wednesday by the lawyers of some of the defendants, who maintain that they only participated in the scenario of a libertine couple. “I’m like a boxer who falls and every time I have to get up,” insists the victim, who still described her husband as “a great guy”, “a great guy” to the police officer who had summoned her that day, before he showed her the photos. She now introduces him with a laconic “Mr. P.”. On November 2, 2020, she refuses to watch the videos that investigators have. Nearly 4,000 photos and videos were found on her husband’s various computers, USB sticks and hard drives. The images of the approximately 200 rapes she suffered in ten years, first in the Paris region, but especially in Mazan, this town in Vaucluse where the couple had moved in March 2013. In the prisoners’ box, “Mr. P.” remains head down.siu-ol/san/swi


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