It took almost a year. 850,000 retirees will benefit from a financial boost in September. They will be able to take advantage of a maximum increase of 100 euros per month in their pension. This measure is included in the pension reform implemented since September 1, 2023. In total, nearly 1.5 million retirees have seen, or will see, their pension increased. To find out if you are affected, how much you will receive and on what date, here are the main points to remember.
To benefit from this increase, you must meet three conditions: receive a full-rate pension, have worked for at least 30 years in the basic employee scheme and your pension must respect certain ceilings. The basic pension cannot exceed 847.57 euros per month (increase included) and the sum of all pensions (basic and supplementary) must not exceed 1,352.23 euros per month. “The mere fact of having a total pension of less than 1,352.23 euros per month is not sufficient to claim the increase,” insists a press release from the Retirement Insurance.
As of September 2023, nearly 600,000 retirees have benefited from this exceptional increase (Majex). These were new retirees and those whose career information is easier to find because it is computerized. “On the other hand, for retirees who left before 2009, 20, 30 or 40 years ago, it was necessary to reconstruct careers and sometimes even by going to look for (…)
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