The elections will take place at the end of November.
Some 5 million employees of very small businesses (VSEs, less than 11 employees) and home workers have until September 27 to check their registration with a view to voting for a union between November 25 and December 9.
This election makes it possible in particular to complete the measurement of the audience of each organization at the interprofessional level and in the branches, by aggregating the result of the election in the VSEs with those of the professional elections to the social and economic committee (CSE) in companies with 11 employees and more, as well as with the results of the elections to the departmental chambers of agriculture.
The electoral list for very small businesses is established from data collected from social security funds, but according to a press release from the Ministry of Labor, “this data is sometimes imprecise or outdated.”
This is why “it is essential” that the employees concerned check whether they are properly registered and that their personal information is accurate on the website If necessary, they have until September 27 to request that their data be updated.
During the last union election in VSEs in 2021, participation was very low, reaching only 5.44%. In these companies that do not have a CSE, the vote placed the CGT in the lead, with 26.31% of the votes, ahead of the CFDT (16.46%), the Unsa (15.89%) and FO (13.84%). The CFDT, however, remained the leading private sector union in terms of national audience with 26.77% of the votes, ahead of the CGT with 22.96%.