Where is France in the energy transition?
Every year, the January 26the International Clean Energy Dayadopted by the UN, invites us to reflect on the crucial issues of the energy transition. This world day highlights the advancesbut also the challenges of a greener economy. If fossil resources continue to dominate the world economy, how is France positioned in this race for renewable energies and what place does it occupy in the global fight against global warming?
Renewable energies: a diversity of promising resources
Solar radiation, the force of wind or water, geothermal energy, heat from wood and biomass, or even the organic part of waste… renewable energies come in many forms and share two essential qualities:
- Inexhaustible on a human scaleunlike fossil fuels.
- Low climate impactbecause they emit little or no greenhouse gases.
In France, the production of renewable energies has jumped by 75% between 2005 and 2022. Wood energy and hydropower remain the pillars of the French renewable energy mix, but wind power and heat pumps have also recorded strong growth in recent years.
That said, globally, access to clean energy sources remains a major challenge. Today, 685 million people still do not have access to electricitymainly in sub-Saharan Africa, and France could play a more active role in this fight for universal access to energy.
French performances in the European context
In 2022, renewable energies represented 20.7% of gross final energy consumption in France, a figure which demonstrates notable progress but insufficient to achieve the objectives set by France within the framework of the energy transition and the national low-carbon strategy (SNBC).
Compared to its European neighbors, France is lagging behind, particularly in terms of onshore and offshore wind power, hampered by administrative constraints and local opposition. However, the country has major assets, such as its potential in hydraulic and the development of geothermal energyparticularly in certain regions, which can play a key role in the diversification of its renewable energy sources.
A just and inclusive transition for all territories
The International Clean Energy Day highlights the importance of a fair and inclusive energy transition. In France, certain territories stand out for their dynamism:
The south of the country makes the most of its solar potential.
The West is essential in onshore wind power.
Ballastwith its forests, remains a bastion of wood energy.
However, challenges remain: territorial inequalitiesdifficulties in accessing financing for small communities, and lack of consultation with local populations. This transition must be done in a way that leaves no one behind, particularly in the most vulnerable regions.
The link between clean energy and socio-economic development is essential to solving the problems of vulnerable communitiesparticularly in developing countries. The adoption of renewable energy can offer a real opportunity for stimulate education, health care et economic opportunitieswhile reducing dependence on polluting fossil fuels.
-Raising awareness through education and concrete actions
To promote the energy transition, education and communication play a central role. THE General Commission for Sustainable Development offers a three-minute educational video summarizing the state of play of renewable energies in France. These clear and accessible materials are crucial to mobilize citizens and encourage them to act.
At the global level, improvingenergy efficiency is also a major lever to guarantee universal access to sustainable energy. By reducing energy consumption in sectors such as transport, construction and lighting, France can actively participate in the fight against carbon emissions. greenhouse gas and the reduction of pollution by carbone.
A call to global and local action
The International Clean Energy Day is an opportunity to recall that the energy transition does not only concern the environment, but also the economy and social justice. If progress has been made, the objectives must be raised to meet the climate emergencies and achieve true energy sovereignty. Renewable energy must become the global standard, and this requires collective commitment. France, like other countries, must intensify its efforts to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and invest in energy sources clean, affordableet durables.
On January 26, on the occasion of this awareness day, it is essential to remember that the energy transition is also a question of global solidarity. By promoting access to renewable energy in developing regions, we not only help protect the planet, but also improve the lives of millions of people around the world.
Endnote : The terms “clean energy” and “renewable energy” are often used interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same thing.
- Renewable energies designate energy sources that regenerate naturally on a human scale, such as solar, wind, hydraulic, geothermal, biomass, etc. They are essentially inexhaustible in the long term.
- Clean energy refer to energy sources that have a low environmental impact, particularly in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable energy is part of this, but the term also includes more efficient technologies which, although non-renewable, generate little or no pollution, such as nuclear power.
In summary, all renewable energies are clean energybut all clean energy are not necessarily renewable.
Some examples clean energy:
Green hydrogen : Produced from renewable electricity, green hydrogen is a clean alternative to fossil fuels in certain sectors, such as transport and industry.
Renewable energies :
Solar : energy captured by photovoltaic or thermal panels.
Wind : energy generated by the wind, captured by wind turbines.
Hydraulic : energy produced by the movement of water, as in dams or tidal power stations.
Geothermal energy : energy coming from the internal heat of the Earth.
Biomass : energy obtained from organic materials (wood, agricultural waste, etc.).
Nuclear energy : Although non-renewable, it is considered clean due to its low greenhouse gas emissions, despite concerns over radioactive waste.