Since the announcement of the dissolution, the challenges facing France, particularly climatic and social, “go to the ace”, declared the CFDT leader to the Tribune Dimanche.
The appointment of a new prime minister is “too long”while the “Workers’ needs did not disappear this summer”deplores the N.1 of the CFDT Marylise Léon in an interview with the Tribune Dimanche. “I am worried (…): since the announcement of the dissolution, the challenges we are facing, particularly climatic and social, have been ignored”underlines the head of the first French union.
“We are in suspense while the needs of workers have not disappeared this summer”adds the general secretary of the CFDT, who “does not campaign for anyone” for Matignon but judges that “the appointment is too long”. “It is also a question of respect for citizens”she said, while confirming that her organization was not joining the mobilization in which part of the left is due to participate on September 7 to denounce a “coup de force” by Emmanuel Macron.
Nearly two months after the second round of legislative elections, the Head of State continues his consultations with a view to appointing a new Prime Minister. Marylise Léon regrets that several files are at a standstill, while “The issue of purchasing power and wages remains the number one issue for workers”.
However, as announced to AFP on Friday by its number 2, Yvan Ricordeau, the CFDT is not joining the call from the CGT and Solidaires to demonstrate on October 1 to demand the repeal of the pension reform and a wage increase. “The CFDT has never been a follower of the ritual of back-to-school mobilization. Already, that would suppose that our action stopped this summer”explains Marylise Léon, who assures that her union has remained “on the ground” all summer long.