“It is urgent to vote quickly on the 2025 budget because, as long as it is not voted on, the payment deadlines for MaPrimeRénov’ (MPR) to individuals will be extended for all files which have not been examined before the January 1, 2025. It’s not good for households or businesses.” This is the announcement from the Minister of Housing, Valérie Létard, in the columns of Figarothis January 10, 2025. Words that make the French Building Federation (FFB) jump. “Such constitutional amateurism surprises us”reacts its president, Olivier Salleron, in a press release issued following the publication of the minister’s remarks. “This announcement illustrates the deadly consequences of time lost over the past months, and underlines the urgent need for a finance law. The sustainability of tens of thousands of businesses is at stake.”
Contacted by Batiactthe National Housing Agency (Anah) assures in any case that all the files it has already validated will be well paid, and that households do not have to worry about it. The government clarified to Echoesmoreover, that the files had to “continue to be educated”. “They will be studied, but there will be a delay in the deadlines for payment of aid” for the 2025 files, he also reported to Agence France Presse (AFP).
A “situation lamentable”
The Confederation of crafts and small construction companies (Capeb) regrets for its part “the political irresponsibility which unfortunately prevails today!”. Contacted by Batiactthe employers’ organization deplores this “blockage of aid and therefore of the market which will last until the adoption of a 2025 budget, and undoubtedly even after the time that the system restarts”.
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