What are the most dangerous insects in the world?

What are the most dangerous insects in the world?

While the popular expression is that small creatures cannot eat large ones, they can nevertheless injure or kill them. Indeed, many insects have developed defense mechanisms over the course of their evolution that are sometimes formidable. Whether by bite or following a sting, their venom causes various reactions ranging from necrosis to the proliferation of parasites to cardiac arrest. However, these miniature killers live in regions of the world that are arid or known for their danger. However, the deadliest insect is an animal that you come across every summer, and which likes to ruin the nights of millions of people.

If we only consider the number of deaths per year caused by an insect, the deadliest animal is the mosquito. More precisely, the most dangerous species in the world is Aedes albopictus, also known as the tiger mosquito. Unlike its nocturnal counterparts, this diurnal species is recognizable by the black and white stripes on its legs and abdomen. A carrier of many diseases and viruses such as Zika, yellow fever or dengue fever, a simple bite can lead to the death of a human being. On average, it alone kills nearly 725,000 people each year. However, there are other species with deadly venom such as the fire ant, the harvester ant or the giant Amazonian millipede.

Insects attack if they feel threatened or their habitat is in (…) Click here to see more

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