Disabled woman aged over 60 received staggering fine after parking at Lidl

Disabled woman aged over 60 received staggering fine after parking at Lidl
Disabled woman aged over 60 received staggering fine after parking at Lidl
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A lady over 60 years old and with a disability had the very unpleasant surprise of receive a staggering fine after parking his vehicle in the parking lot of a Lidl store. It’s a story that went around the Internet and shocked more than one person.

A heavy fine for a Lidl customer

A 60-year-old suffering from multiple sclerosis faced a shocking situation to say the least after deciding to go to a Lidl store. As usual, the woman, aged 67, took her place in a space reserved for disabled people.

She also has a very specific badge which authorizes her to park in this place to do her shopping. But a few days after her purchases, she had a very unpleasant surprise. In fact, she received a fine. The sixty-year-old, who uses a wheelchair, was the subject of a penalty for improper parking.

And it’s for a very specific reason. Indeed, the company Parkdepot, which manages the Lidl parking lot in Winterthur, Switzerland, imposes a one-hour parking limit. However, the customer was parked for 1 hour and 42 minutes.

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She then exceeded the parking time limit. Two days after going to the Lidl checkout, she received a fine of 40 francs. Shocked by this situation, she did not hesitate to speak out. As reported by 20 Minutes, she assured: “This is all a bad joke”.

She explained that due to her physical condition, she needed more time to do her shopping. “As I move around in a wheelchair, I need a little more time« she said.

For a person in a wheelchair, shopping can become much longer and more tiring than for an able-bodied person. Additionally, the 60-year-old added that she does big runs twice a month and after that she has to take some time to rest.

The brand expresses its regrets

The Lidl customer therefore does not understand why she received a fine. After doing some research, the sixty-year-old learned that it was possible for her to send a copy of her badge to the company Parkdepot to extend the duration of her parking to two hours.

She then thought that this approach would allow her to have her fine canceled. This situation still shook her. “I am sure that many people in wheelchairs pay the fine because they don’t know how to send their proof by email »she regretted.

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From now on, the main interested party refuses to do her shopping at Lidl. She now prefers to go to stores where there are parking meters. And this, so that you no longer have to worry about such complications.

For its part, Lidl reacted to the incident by expressing its regrets. The store chain explained that in order to simplify the process for its customers, a camera is used to detect excessive parking.

But this camera does not take into account macaroons for disabled people. It only captures the vehicle license plate. Lidl clarified that the maximum parking time is calculated based on the average time a customer spends shopping.

The brand reminded that, for specific reasons, such as physical restrictions, parking may be extended. In special situations, the fine can also be canceled.



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