Bill 69, delayed under the pretext of Donald Trump’s protectionist statements, does not deserve to be amended or adjusted. It must be removed or blocked and shredded, because it represents a betrayal of the collective will of Quebecers.
In 1962, we made the historic choice to nationalize electricity by referendum election. Today, PL 69, pushed by the CAQ, constitutes a real coup by the lobbies against the democratic will.
Under the cover of energy transition and a shortage of electricity created from scratch, PL 69 opens the door to the massive privatization of our electricity, an essential collective resource.
Here is 6 measures which illustrate this drift. 1) Privatization through self-productionwhich would legalize illegal projects like that of TES Canada/Power Corporation in Mauricie (800 MW of private wind power dedicated to the production of hydrogen, a pure waste of electricity). 2) The privatization of public dams up to 100 MW, a progressive dismantling of our energy heritage. 3) Privatization of electricity distributiona pillar of equal access to this vital resource. 4) Privatization through shareholdingsuch as the Éolien des neiges projects and the 3000 MW in Lac-Saint-Jean announced by Michael Sabia where Hydro-Québec is reduced to the role of shareholder among others. 5) The obligation for Hydro-Québec to transport private electricitydistorting its primary mission. 6) Legalization of sales between private companieswhich would put an end to the very idea of an integrated public network.
These measures would bring Quebec back to the era of fiefdoms deprived of electricity before the Quiet Revolution, with their inequalities and abuses. They would compromise the very survival of Hydro-Québec, an indisputable success on the social, environmental and economic levels.
The people of Quebec have always been clear: electricity is a collective good, serving everyone and managed by Hydro-Québec, a state-owned company. The creeping privatization of wind production has already cost consumers more than $6 billion, according to IREC. Why continue on this disastrous path?
Opposition parties can block PL 69
The opposition parties have the opportunity to block the CAQ by filibustering Bill 69. They must roll up their sleeves and systematically obstruct the parliamentary committee. They must also filibuster a second, even more important bill so that the CAQ uses its gag order on this second bill rather than on PL 69. The opposition parties must tell the CAQ: Withdraw PL 69 if you want your favorite bill to pass.
Demonstrations are being organized on Sunday, December 8 at 1 p.m. to make our voices heard in front of the National Assembly, in Chicoutimi, Shawinigan, Bécancour, Saint-Hyacinthe, Montreal or Coaticook. We have the collective strength to block the sneaky dispossession operation carried out by the CAQ with the complicity of Michael Sabia, an expert in the privatization of public services. Collective green electricity is the key to the success of climate justice.
Martine Ouellet
Head of Climate Quebec
Former Minister of Natural Resources
Former Hydro-Québec executive