Faced with another absence of the general director for an indefinite period, the Municipality of Sainte-Pétronille, on Île d’Orléans, was forced to appoint a replacement.
What’s more, the deputy director is also absent for health reasons, which causes an exceptional situation.
Faced with the impossibility of managing current affairs, the municipal council therefore announced the appointment of Myrabelle Chicoine as interim general director and clerk-treasurer.
Photo Jean-François Racine / Le Journal de Québec
Le budget
“My priority is to get the budget out,” she explained before receiving applause from a packed room.
His mandate will remain temporary since Mme Paquet could return.
“The last week has been intense. There were emergencies,” said Mayor Jean Côté, who believes he still has people’s trust.
Even ignoring the duration of this second absence of Nathalie Paquet, the council wishes to “ensure a harmonious and effective transition”.
Myrabelle Chicoine, who lives in Quebec, is still a strategic advisor to the MRC of Pierre-De Saurel, where she recently held the position of interim general director.
Since November 26
Paralyzed for a few days, Sainte-Pétronille had called an extraordinary meeting of the municipal council to discuss human resources.
-In crisis for a year, the municipal offices had been closed for a few days.
The next regular meeting will take place on December 16.
Contested since her hiring, general director Nathalie Paquet left her position on July 18.
The latter is facing legal action in connection with the death of a citizen of the municipality of Val-des-Lacs, her former employer.
Dramatic twist, Mme Paquet returned from her medical leave in October. She then left office on November 26.
Special advisor to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Mario Caron, appointed to support the municipality, has completed his mandate, but elected officials have not yet received his report. Mayor Côté does not know if citizens will eventually be able to consult the document.
Photo Stevens LeBlanc