The Linky meter really economical? The Court of Auditors has decided

Started by Enedis, the Linky meter has kept its promise to reduce French people's energy bills, announces the Court of Auditors.

The Linky meter has kept all its promises. According to a report from the Court of Auditorsthe latter has succeeded in saving the French money since 2025.

All the advantages of the Linky meter

The Linky meter, deployed by Enedis in , has many advantages for consumersnetwork managers, and the environment. And its advantages are multiple.

Indeed, the Linky meter allows consumers, for example, to monitor their electricity consumption in real time. And this, via interfaces digital or applications.

This provides a better understanding energy uses and helps identify waste to reduce bills. With Linky, invoices are based on actual consumption and no longer on estimates.

This avoids regularizations, which are often a source of concern, and facilitates management. of the energy budget. The smart meter allows remote operations such as switching on, stopping, or changing subscribed power.

This therefore reduces delays and avoids the need for technicians to travel. What is more practical for users and this reduces costs.

In addition, the Linky meter helps make the electricity network more intelligent and responsive. It facilitates integration renewable energies and better manages consumption peaks.

Indispensable help for the French

This reduces the risk of breakdown. By providing detailed dataLinky encourages more responsible energy-related behavior.

It is also essential for the development of services like recharging of electric vehicles. Or even the management of individual solar panels.

Malfunctions or outages are therefore detected quickly thanks to the communication between Linky and the network. Corrective interventions are accelerated, minimizing the impact for homes.

In addition, the deployment of Linky reduces CO₂ emissions linked to technician travel. But also to the manual management of meters.

In addition, improving the network thanks to Linky promotes more efficient use energy resources. In summary, the Linky meter constitutes a technological lever for more efficient, economical and sustainable energy consumption.

However, despite its many strengths, it has sparked debate. Particularly on the health issues and data protection, which led Enedis to put in place reinforced guarantees to answer users' questions.

The Court of Auditors unanimous on the Linky meter?

In its report of November 29, the Court of Auditors evaluates the deployment of Linky in France between 2016 and 2021. And pleasant surprise, the installation of the green boxes cost 4.6 billion euros, or 18% less than the 5 billion initially planned.

However, this saving is counterbalanced by a questioning of the real benefits for consumers and the significant advantages obtained by Enedis. Reports highlight that Linky generated efficiency gains.

Such as a reduction in costs linked to surveys and interventions, as well as a reduction in counting errors or billing. Part of these savings was repaid to users via a reduction in certain services.

However, consumers have not fully benefited from the planned savings. On the 9.7 billion euros expected, only 2 billion should have come from a drop in energy consumption and 7.7 billion from an improvement in the retail market.

However, the habits of the French have not changed significantly, which limits these gains. Enedis, for its part, has reaped significant profits and between 2016 and 2023, the company received 311 million euros additional remuneration.

The Court also points to the tariff deferral mechanism used by Enedis, which made it possible to limit the impact of deployment of Linky on invoices between 2014 and 2021. However, this cost would be postponed to the period 2022-2029, via an increase in TURPE.

It is estimated at 785 million euros. The Court therefore calls the Regulatory Commission of energy (CRE) to guarantee that the profits made by Enedis thanks to the Linky meter are reinvested in better electrical infrastructure.

B. L.

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