On the Senate side, the tax fair continues to be in full swing. There was the re-establishment of a form of ISF with a total enlargement of the IFI but without the abolition of the latter, then today this tax with a 20% VAT on bottled water.
From a moral and technical point of view, the plastic water bottle is nonsense, so I am not necessarily ideologically against this VAT at the standard rate on this type of product, but the problem is much broader.
Much larger.
Those who run this country only know how to increase taxes.
So it doesn't matter if it's justified or not, it doesn't matter what I think about plastic water bottles.
The reality is that we are taxed too much, all the time, without discernment and that this country is becoming terrible, suffocating.
I therefore refuse from now on to legitimize any new tax, fee, or increase in anything.
That's enough.
We need freedom, to breathe.
They suffocate us and constrain us.
Charles SANNAT
“Insolentiae” means “impertinence” in Latin
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