the criteria to benefit from it, according to your profile

the criteria to benefit from it, according to your profile

Good news for nearly 850,000 retirees. When they receive their September pension on October 9, they will benefit from an increase in their pension of up to 100 euros per month. This increase, called an exceptional increase (Majex), will be on average 50 euros per month. A boost decided as part of the 2023 pension reform which has raised the legal age from 62 to 64. If you are concerned, you will receive a letter from the Retirement Insurance starting September 16. And even if no action is necessary to see your pension increase, you may be wondering: what are the criteria for benefiting from this increase?

It must be admitted that, technically, the measure is complex. To understand all the subtleties, let’s first recall the main rules governing this revaluation. To see your pension increase, you must receive your full pension, that is to say without reduction, but also have contributed (worked) at least 120 quarters. There are also resource conditions. Your basic pension must not exceed 847.57 euros per month and the sum of all your pensions (basic and supplementary) must not exceed 1,352.23 euros per month.

These strict rules explain why some retirees will not benefit from the exceptional increase in pensions. And to understand what it is all about, Capital presents some (…)

(…) Click here to see more

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