Generator: safety rules to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning

Generator: safety rules to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning
Generator: safety rules to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a great danger surrounding the use of a generator, warns Michèle Mercier, director of prevention and safety at the Canadian Red Cross, Quebec.

• Also read: Buying a generator for your home: here’s everything it involves

“If you feel dizzy or feel sick when you run a generator, it can be linked to carbon monoxide, which is completely odorless,” explained Ms. Mercier in an interview.

Michèle Mercier, prevention and security director at the Canadian Red Cross, Quebec.


“If this happens, you must immediately turn off the generator, open the doors and windows and go outside to breathe,” says Ms. Mercier, since breathing too much carbon monoxide can cause you to lose consciousness and even cause death. .

Ms. Mercier therefore recommends keeping the generator in a well-ventilated area and hiring a qualified electrician to install it in a suitable location.

Good to know for Installation

  • Verify that the product has all labels
    required security.
  • Make sure the model you choose is suitable for your intended use.
  • Before operating the device, make sure it is firmly anchored to the ground. Follow the directions
    of the manufacturer and respect
    electrical code requirements.
  • If in doubt, call a professional.


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