Belfius increases the rate of its cash vouchers

Belfius increases the rate of its cash vouchers
Belfius increases the rate of its cash vouchers

Belfius announced at the end of the day on Friday an increase in the rates on its two to ten year certificates. The one-year savings bond rate remains unchanged at 3%.

As of Monday June 17, the three-year bond rate increases from 2.50 to 2.70%, the 5-year rate from 2.40 to 2.70% and the 10-year rate from 2.30 to 2.70%. 2.60%. These gross rates are subject to a withholding tax of 30%.

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The rates on certificates for the shortest maturities are higher than those for the longest maturities, like the inverted rate curve on the bond markets. On the Olo’s (government bond) market, the one-year rate currently stands at 3.49% while the ten-year rate is 3.13%.

To win the loyalty of customers

The bank justifies these increases by recent increases in interest rates.

It seems obvious that by reviewing its conditions, Belfius wants above all to build customer loyalty as the deadline for repayment of the one-year state bond launched last September approaches.

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There is no doubt that the entire banking sector is honing its weapons to try to capture part of the 22 billion that were subscribed last year. Enough to increase competition between the different institutions in the weeks to come.



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