This new bonus could soon benefit millions of retirees

In addition to the financial aid offered to retired people, a new bonus could see the light of day at the end of 2024…

In 2024, several aid schemes exist for support retirees in , whether they are active or not. Moreover, a new bonus concerning them should soon see the light of day…

Bonuses and aid to help retirees

In France, the various bonuses and aid aim to improve their purchasing powertheir quality of life. But also to reduce social inequalities.

On January 1, 2024, basic and supplementary retirement pensions were therefore subject to an increase. The revaluation of the basic pension (those paid by Social Security) followed inflation.

This made it possible to increase the amount of pensions. This measure has a direct impact on the income of retireesespecially for those with modest pensions.

The Allowance of Solidarity to People Agées (ASPA), is not a bonus, but rather assistance intended for retirees with low incomes. In 2024, its ceiling was adjusted to take into account changes in the cost of living.

To benefit from this allowance, household resources must not exceed a certain threshold. The ASPA guarantees a minimum income to people aged over 65, or even 60 for unfit people at work.

Retirees can benefit from related tax reductions to their income. For example, the income tax discount allows pensioners with modest incomes not to pay tax or to benefit from a substantial reduction.

Lots of help for retirees

In addition, certain specific expenses, such as those related to dependency or adaptation work of housing, can be deducted for tax purposes. Dependent retirees can have access to assistance to finance care.

Or the arrangements of their accommodation. The Disability Compensation Benefit (PCH) and Personalized Autonomy Assistance (APA) are thus defined as important mechanisms.

The APA is thus paid by the departments and helps to cover expenses linked to loss of autonomy. While the PCH is intended to finance the specific needs of people with disabilities, including retirees.

Some municipalities, departments or regions are thus setting up specific devices to support retirees: reduction in public transport fares. Or even assistance with financing housing adaptation work.

This assistance varies from one community to another. Finally, the energy check, intended to help low-income households to pay their energy bills, also benefits low-income retirees. In 2024, it was expanded to include more beneficiaries.

And he also increased the amounts distributed. These aids are defined as as many levers allowing retirees to maintain a certain standard of living and to combat the effects of rising prices.

A bonus for retirees

Faced with economic constraints, the State is tightening its budgetary policy, which affects directly to retirees. The latter are suffering the consequences of these austerity measures.

However, a glimmer of hope might appear with the introduction an exceptional bonus intended to support nearly 5 million seniors. To reduce spending, the government has decided to postpone the increase in basic pensions until July 2025.

Although it was initially supposed to be applied in January. In reason for inflationthis revaluation is crucial for many retirees whose budget is said to be tight.

For the moment, only beneficiaries of ASPA and allowances you minimum old age will see an increase of 1.8% from January. This postponement will allow the State to make significant savings, but will put a strain on the finances of many seniors.

The postponement of this revaluation has sparked criticism among retirees, who see in this decision a severe measure. To mitigate the effects of this delay, the government plans to pay an exceptional bonus before July.

Although the details of this aid have not yet been made official, this announcement raises hope for the seniors concerned. According to initial information, this bonus could target retirees receiving less than 1,300 euros gross per month.

According to certain sources, including L'Internaute, the amount envisaged would be around 85 euros. This figure may vary depending on the situation of the beneficiaries and details on the eligibility conditions should be provided. see announced soon.

B. L.

Hi, I'm Ruben, the new web editor at Freshly graduated from a journalism school in , I am passionate about media news, television shows and sociology. I am enthusiastic about sharing with you my articles and my analysis of the news on Tuxboard.



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