I really liked this German study (source here) on the 4-day week which rediscovers hot water and opens perfectly predictable doors.
Know that if you work less, you have more time with your family! It was quite predictable. Since people are no longer with their family but with their smartphone, rubbing the screen for 5 hours and 7 minutes a day (excluding professional use). I am talking here about the figures in France, if we did a study on the 4-day week we could say that in 97% of cases, the 4-day week will allow people to spend more time with their smartphone and their game console .
Also note that working 4 days instead of 5 allows you to reduce your boss's electricity consumption. Logic. You are not in the office. On the other hand, nothing about the possible increase in consumption at home! And this does not mean that collectively we are a winner because heating a business for 200 people costs less than heating 200 individual homes.
Finally, know that as people work less, they are less stressed, which improves their health. This is objectively good news, but the real progress would be to address the real stressors at work.
But it is on everything else that this study becomes downright funny!
In terms of absenteeism? The data shows no significant improvement.
In terms of performance and productivity? The data shows no significant improvement.
But the satisfaction of those who work less is on the rise!
I'm paid the same, I work one day less, and I don't worry more the other days, obviously I feel better.
I am not against not killing oneself at work, and no one should die for a job (I am thinking in particular of dramatic workplace accidents).
But, we must not let people believe that we can become “rich” in our lives, or succeed in our career, without working hard, hard and for a very long time and just waiting for aid and other subsidies.
We must not forget this golden rule of economics since the dawn of time.
We can only share what has been produced.
We can only share the wealth created.
We can only eat what has been sown, cultivated and harvested.
Everything else is a huge lie that we put in people's minds.
Waking up is always painful.
Charles SANNAT
“Insolentiae” means “impertinence” in Latin
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