the battle to regulate tourist rental platforms is coming to an end

the battle to regulate tourist rental platforms is coming to an end
the battle to regulate tourist rental platforms is coming to an end

Some call it the “anti-Airbnb” law. Slowed down by the dissolution, the transpartisan bill – from Macronist MP Annaïg Le Meur and socialist Inaki Echaniz – begins its final parliamentary straight on Monday October 28.

It aims to regulate the tourist rental market, with apartments or houses which are now rented by the day or by the week, at sometimes exorbitant prices, while it remains very difficult, sometimes impossible, to rent on a daily basis. year in the same city or neighborhood.

The text plans to remove the tax advantages of those who put their property on the platforms, at least to align their taxation with that of long-term rentals. Currently, an owner with several furnished apartments in pays less tax on his income generated on Airbnb than if he rented them – to a family or a student – over the long term. Tomorrow, with the law, he will pay as much taxes in both cases – or almost as many taxes if it is the senators' version, more flexible, which wins.

The objective is therefore not linked to the search for savings with a view to the 2025 budget, but to return as many of these apartments as possible to the long-term rental market, particularly in areas under pressure: the coast and the big cities.

Today, there is a severe shortage of housing and we are talking about a crisis. These goods intended for the short term did not exist 20 years ago: there are more than a million of them in the country today, according to Annaïg Le Meur who carries this text. According to information from franceinfo, the MP is supported by the new Minister of Housing.

The law also intends to strengthen the room for maneuver of mayors, more and more of whom feel deprived, and not only in tourist areas. They may, for example, decide, in certain cases, to withdraw accommodation from rental. The registration procedure for these properties will be generalized, as is done in , in particular.

As a sign that the balance of power is already reversing: justice has just ruled in favor of the city of Saint-Malo, attacked for having imposed short-term rental quotas in certain tourist districts.

The text – slowed down by the dissolution – therefore resumes its path on Monday, where deputies and senators must agree on one and the same version: this is the joint committee. They are negotiating the final points, with a final vote scheduled for next week in the Senate, on November 5, then on the 7th in the National Assembly. It should then come into force, for the tax aspect, from the start of 2025.



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