Which countries have the most inequality and the poorest regions in Europe?

Which countries have the most inequality and the poorest regions in Europe?
Which countries have the most inequality and the poorest regions in Europe?

This article was originally published in English

More than a fifth of the EU population is currently at risk of poverty or social exclusion, according to a damning new Eurostat report on living conditions. The document also highlights huge income inequalities in the Baltic states and southern Europe.


The latest Eurostat figures on living conditions indicate that 94.6 million people in the EU are at risk of poverty or social exclusion, either 21.4% of the population.

The numbers show little improvement compared to 2022, when the rate stood at 21.6%.

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The dataset identifies 19 regions of the block where the rate of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion exceeds 35%many of which are Bulgariain the southwest of the Greecein the south ofSpain and in the south of Italy – the region of Bruxelles in Belgium and the canton of Ticinoin the far south of Switzerland, are also included.

In Ticino, in particular, the share has increased by more than 10% since 2020.

The territory having the highest share is the French department of Guyana (60.3%), followed by the region of Calabria (48.6%), from the southeast of the Romania (45.3%) and from another Italian region, the Campaign (44,4 %).

In almost half of EU countries, children represent the most affected category by the risk of poverty or social exclusion.

Eurostat also examined inequality coefficients in terms of disposable income per capita.

Bulgaria tops the EU with the highest inequality coefficient (37.2), followed by Lithuania (35.7), from the Latvia (34.0), from Portugal (33.7), from Painted (33.0),Estonia (31.8) and the Greece (31,8).

However, if we also consider countries outside the EU, the nation with the highest rate of income inequality is Türkiye (44,2).

Video editor • Mert Can Yilmaz

Additional sources • adaptation: Serge Duchêne




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