Retirement at 70 in Italy, really?

Retirement at 70 in Italy, really?

It’s a hot topic in Italy: as part of his 2025 budget law, Paolo Zangrillo, Minister of Public Administration, has put his foot down, proposing “the possibility for civil servants to continue working until the age of 70,” notes Velvet Mag. The minister specifies, however, that these departures after the current legal age – 67, three years more than in France – would be made from “a voluntary choice reserved for those who still feel able to contribute to their sector.”

This proposal comes at a time when many public sectors in Italy, including education, justice and health, are facing a shortage of staff, combined with “financial pressure on the pension system”, assures Velvet Mag. Paolo Zangrillo believes that such a measure would also help to promote the passing of the baton and know-how between generations, expecting a massive retirement of workers in the coming years. “There is no worse nursing home in Europe, the local INSEE estimates that they will lose 3.8 million people within fifteen years”, asserts the economic columnist of BFM Business, Nicolas Doze, on Thursday, September 12.

For their part, Italian unions fear that such an extension of the age would have “negative effects on those who want to retire earlier” than 70 and who have the legal right to do so. They also express their concern about the “physical and psychological sustainability” of workers, (…)

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